Monday, November 10

>| My To-Do-List |<

My To-Do-List after PMR.

  1. Play any Online Games with Mimi. [ Failed ]
  2. Fill up my timetable. - As much as possible. [ Failed ]
  3. Cant tell. ^^ But still . . . [ Failed ]
  4. Must have a birthday party on 13th Nov, 08 [ Failed ]
  5. Look for a new friend to chat with. [ Failed ]
Reason :

  1. Mimi was bored of playing cabal and we're in different world. Anyways, he's playing Dota now.
  2. Even though i look for guitar class, sports, whatever lessons. Needs to pay.
  3. Lol.
  4. I brought a new phone! Remember? sigh. i wonder if i can go out with friends on that day or not.
  5. I tried my best to get 1 but im too shy to straight away asking people " Can I be your friend?" Lol This sounds so insane.
I still try my best ^^

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